The Lord instituted the sacrament in its place. You can find a companion to whom you can offer a body free from addiction, from depressants, from stimulants, and a mind sensitive to spiritual guidance and impressions. It is the instrument of your mind and [the] foundation of your character.” That counsel had great influence on me. Honor the principle of the Word of Wisdom and you will receive the promised blessings. While the Word of Wisdom requires strict obedience, in return it promises health, great treasures of knowledge, and that redemption bought for us by the Lamb of God, who was slain that we might be redeemed. If you are obedient, that spiritual death will pass over you, for “Christ our passover is sacrificed for us,” the revelation teaches (1 Cor. That is the ordinance we shall keep forever! Invite, 4. President Thomas S. Monson (b. August 21, 1927) was sustained to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in 1963. The blessings of added health and stamina promised in the Word of Wisdom had been his. Principles and Promises: This talk, Principles and Promises by President Monson, is one of the last talks we heard him give. Work to get or keep a strong testimony. And it was accepted by the Church as such. observing the principles set forth in the Word of . One of their beliefs was not to eat flesh-meat or fish. Never fail daily to seek for help through prayer. They are so compelling that no one is to be baptized into the Church without first agreeing to live by them. 12:7, 12–14). They are: 1. President Thomas S. Monson (b. August 21, 1927) was sustained to the Quorum of Twelve Apostles in 1963. In some cultures, native drinks are claimed to be harmless because they are not specifically mentioned in the revelation. Tonight, brethren, I pray for the guidance of our Heavenly Father as I share my message with you. FDREL 333 Todd Hammond Fall 2012 See Others As They May Become-October 2012 Priesthood Session President Thomas S. Monson The key doctrines and principles taught, counsel given, promises extended, or scriptural interpretations, etc. Attend church faithfully. You’ll be led by the Spirit as was Nephi, “not knowing beforehand the things which [he] should do” (1 Ne. That this may be so, I pray in the name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, amen. FDREL 333 Todd Hammond Fall 2012 President Thomas S. Monson Welcome to Conference- October 2012 Saturday Morning Session The key doctrines and principles taught, counsel given, promises extended, or scriptural interpretations, etc. A patriarchal blessing literally contains chapters from your book of eternal possibilities. … And this day … ye shall keep … by an ordinance for ever” (Ex. I bear witness that this revelation is a powerful protection to all members of the Church, particularly to you, the youth of the Church, as you face a life full of so many troubles and danger and uncertainties. the rights of the priesthood are insepa-rably connected with the powers of heaven.” To this day those regulations apply to every member and to everyone who seeks to join the Church. “When your children shall say unto you, What mean ye by this … ? Newer Post Older Post Home. A resistance to anything that limits one’s conduct has almost taken over society. He served as a counselor in the First Presidency with Presidents Benson, Hunter, and Hinckley until becoming Church president in 2008. The men on that departing ship, in an effort to evacuate as quickly as possible, were busy on deck and had time only to throw ropes to the four men, that they might hopefully be able to climb to the deck. I remember a blessing I received when I was serving in the military. It is buttressed by other scriptures. As president, he was considered by adherents of the religion to be a prophet, seer, and revelator.Monson's early career was as a manager at the Deseret News, a Utah newspaper owned by the LDS Church. Another scripture counsels, “Cease to be idle; cease to be unclean; … cease to sleep longer than is needful; retire to thy bed early, that ye may not be weary; arise early, that your bodies and your minds may be invigorated” (D&C 88:124). The second driver demonstrated great talent and ability. Moses came as their deliverer. Elder Monson presided at the groundbreaking for a temple in Freiberg. 5:7). October 2016, Sunday morning session. Rather, we teach the principle together with the promised blessings. The Power of the Book of Mormon. Email This BlogThis! President Monson Announces New Temple in the Philippines,, ... A member must be observing the basic principles of the faith and attest to that fact to his or her local leaders once every two years in order to enter a temple. any call beyond what you have now. All of your worthy, natural physical and emotional desires can be satisfied. He had become so weak that he felt he could no longer hold on. 6:19). If you learn how it works, it will warn you of the presence of unseen crocodiles and mines, and you can avoid trouble. Kindness, Charity, and Love. April 2017, Sunday morning session “All saints,” the revelation promises, “who remember to keep and do these sayings, walking in obedience to the commandments,” are promised that they “shall receive health in their navel and marrow to their bones” and “shall run and not be weary, and shall walk and not faint” (D&C 89:18, 20). It has not been spelled out in more detail. How grateful we are for you, our youth. The next highlight of the work in Europe occurred in April of 1983. Orders were given for immediate evacuation. 3 Principles from the Family Proclamation That Need Your Defending ... We shouldremember that a loving Heavenly Father is aware of ourrighteous desires and will honor His promises thatnothing will be withheld from those who faithfully keeptheir covenants. A campaign sign for U.S. President Donald Trump lies beneath water in the Capitol Reflecting Pool, on Capitol Hill on Jan. 9, 2021 in Washington, DC. There are many habit-forming, addictive things that one can drink or chew or inhale or inject which injure both body and spirit which are not mentioned in the revelation. The first driver came down slowly, hugging the wall of the cliff. That plan is found in the 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants and is known as the Word of Wisdom. It is best to stay on the safe side of things. Since the USS Cambria was already gone, John and three companions gathered their gear and hurried to the beach, hoping for a lift out to one of the departing ships. A principle is an enduring truth, a law, a rule you can adopt to guide you in making decisions. And I promise you that the way will be easier and you shall have a composure of mind and a confident attitude toward life and the future. When you want to go to the temple, you will be asked if you keep the Word of Wisdom. President Monson’s Sunday morning talk followed his talk in the Priesthood session, “Principles and Promises,” in which he extended a challenge for personal health. The Word of Wisdom: The Principle and the Promises, “If Thou Wilt Enter into Life, Keep the Commandments”, What I Want My Son to Know before He Leaves on His Mission, Remember How Thou Hast Received and Heard, Acting President of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles. He described the building of a temple in … The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) focuses its doctrine and teaching on Jesus Christ; that he was the Son of God, born of Mary, lived a perfect life, performed miracles, bled from every pore in the Garden of Gethsemane, died on the cross, rose on the third day, appeared again to his disciples, and now resides, authoritatively, on the right hand side of God. Neighborhoods and schools, which once were safe, are no longer secure. Temple focus during President Nelson’s tenure: More than numbers, it’s about principles, invitations and promises President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints claps during the cornerstone ceremony for the dedication of the Rome Italy Temple of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Rome, Italy, on Sunday, March 10, 2019. Members write in asking if this thing or that is against the Word of Wisdom. May we care for our bodies and our minds by observing the principles set forth in the Word of Wisdom, a divinely provided plan. While the revelation came first as a “greeting; not by commandment or constraint” (D&C 89:2), when members of the Church had had time to be taught the import of the revelation, succeeding Presidents of the Church declared it to be a commandment. Three years after the organization of the Church, a revelation came which described our day in these prophetic words: “Behold, verily, thus saith the Lord unto you: In consequence of evils and designs which do and will exist in the hearts of conspiring men in the last days, I have warned you, and forewarn you, by giving unto you this word of wisdom by revelation” (D&C 89:4). “Know ye not,” Paul wrote, “that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you … ?” (1 Cor. Seek worthy companions. / Doctrine & Covenants 42 / Commentary Find helpful commentary on the verses below to better understand the message of this revelation. Wisdom, a divinely provided plan. Next Next post: Principles and Promises – Thomas S. Monson. A faithful member of the Church, John A. Larsen, served during World War II in the United States Coast Guard on the ship USS Cambria. Thomas Spencer Monson (August 21, 1927 – January 2, 2018) was an American religious leader, author, and the 16th President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church). Labels: General Priesthood Session. You can, you know. And the Lord said, “The Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you” (John 14:26). I think it's important for us to wonder why President Monson would use these few precious moments that he has to teach us about the Word of Wisdom. It included counsel that’s good for every young person: “You have been given a body of such physical proportions and fitness as to enable your spirit to function through it. To understand it, we must turn to the time of Moses. Surely, young people, you see the prophetic symbolism in the Passover. 12:3, 5, 46; see also John 19:33). They teach that the good things of the earth “are made for the benefit and the use of man, … Yea,” the Lord said, “for food and for raiment, for taste and for smell, to strengthen the body and to enliven the soul, … to be used, with judgment, not to excess, neither by extortion” (D&C 59:18–20). April 2017, general priesthood session. --Thomas S. Monson, "The Will Within," Ensign, May 1987, 67 ... to walk humbly, and to be more like the Savior. Principles and Promises, General Conference, October 2016 Kindness, Charity and Love , General Conference, April 2017 The Power of the Book of Mormon , General Conference, April 2017 (Temples Announced: Brasília Brazil, greater Manila Philippines, Nairobi … … For I will pass through the land of Egypt this night, and will smite all the firstborn in the land … : and when I see the blood, I will pass over you, and the plague shall not be upon you to destroy you. He ordered each of them to drive his coach down a steep, winding road cut into a high cliff. President Monson, speaking to us in his last address, implores us to “study, ponder, and apply its teachings in our lives.” President Nelson promises us that if we ponder the words in the Book of Mormon, “the windows of heaven will open, and you will receive answers to your own questions.” REGULAR TIME COMMITTED TO TEMPLE AND FAMILY HISTORY The Pharaoh agreed each time to free the Israelites, but each time he reneged on his promise. With all my heart and soul, I testify of the glorious blessings which await us as we do. 11:1, 5). The fundamental principles of the law of the fast include: Abstaining from food and drink for a 24-hour period; Attending fast and testimony meeting; Giving a generous fast offering to help care for those in need (Handbook 2, Section 21.1.17) 1. Finally, “the Lord said unto Moses, Yet will I bring one plague more upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt; afterwards he will let you go. The story is told of a king who was choosing between two drivers for his coach. Thomas Spencer Monson was born to G. Spencer and Gladys Condie Monson on August 21, 1927, in Salt Lake City. You can be sealed together for time and for all eternity in a marriage covenant and express that love freely, which has as its consummate purpose the begetting of life, of children, of family, of happiness. Moses told the Israelites to “take … a lamb … without blemish, a male of the first year. The Word of Wisdom does not promise you perfect health, but it teaches how to keep the body you were born with in the best condition and your mind alert to delicate spiritual promptings. He served as a counselor in the First Presidency with Presidents Benson, Hunter, and Hinckley until becoming Church president in 2008. The law of sacrifice was fulfilled with the Crucifixion. Promises made in the revelation will be denied to the careless or the reckless. That leaves you free to find your way with an enduring truth, a principle, as your anchor. He began climbing once again and fairly flew up the rope. He who must be commanded in all things, the Lord said, “is a slothful and not a wise servant” (D&C 58:26). He raced down the mountain, with the coach so close at times that half the wheel was off the edge of the cliff. Fortunately you have within you a spiritual power much like a mine detector. Take nothing into it that shall harm the organs thereof because it is sacred. Your young dreams can be realized. Surely the Word of Wisdom was given so that you may keep the delicate, sensitive, spiritual part of your nature on proper alert. John later said that as he finished his prayer, he felt a great surge of strength. He was a bishop at age 22, mission president, an apostle at 36. In 1833 the Lord revealed to the Prophet Joseph Smith a plan for healthy living. Generally principles are not spelled out in detail. Here are the 5 challenges President Monson extended to the members of the Church in his … I know they work and bring great happiness. I then warned our youth about unseen spiritual crocodiles lying in wait to destroy them. Identify, 2. Those are fabulous prophetic promises! And it is to you, our youth, that I speak. President Monson's Sunday morning talk followed his talk in the Priesthood session, "Principles and Promises," in which he extended a challenge for personal health. They were to prepare the lamb as a feast and “take of the blood, and strike it on the … door post of the houses. We know that young people generally don’t like restrictions. Those who obey it are promised that they “shall find wisdom and great treasures of knowledge, even hidden treasures” (D&C 89:19). General Conference October 2016: Principles and Promises. You will be guided and warned and taught and blessed. by Thomas S. Monson. It is the one perfect path to peace and happiness. He began pulling himself up, hand over hand, knowing that if he lost his grip, he would almost certainly perish. As I watched President Monson's Sunday Morning Session talk, The Perfect Path to Happiness, this evening, I was struck by how similar it was to his Priesthood Session talk, Principles and Promises.Both are, according to Youtube, about four minutes and forty seconds long. The Lord will be with you; you will be guided. President Monson was serving as a mission president in Toronto, Canada. A principle is an enduring truth, a law, a rule you can adopt to guide you in making decisions. This is the personal revelation through which you can detect invisible crocodiles or hidden mines or other dangers. Believe it or not, we were young once and we remember. Both talks were about one of the basic, fundamental teachings of the church. by Thomas S. Monson. Young people, learn to use moderation and common sense in matters of health and nutrition, and particularly in medication. Having received their spiritual eyesight and glimpsed the promises of eternity, they echo the words of the blind man to whom Jesus restored sight: 'One thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see' (John 9:25)." That leaves you free to find your way with an enduring truth, a principle, as your anchor. SKU 5173511 Book Format eBook The promise of health for living the standard of the revelation is not limited to members of the Church. But there is spiritual death which you need not suffer. But it is not from mortal death that we shall be spared in such a passover if we walk in obedience to these commandments, for each of us in time shall die. The Israelites had been enslaved for 400 years. No one will be called to teach or to lead unless they accept them. He gave thanks to his Heavenly Father then, and throughout the remainder of his life, for the answer to his desperate prayer for help.2. Some of them are like land mines hidden about in a field you must cross on your way to maturity. Lest someone become extreme, we are told in another revelation that “whoso forbiddeth to [eat meat] is not ordained of God” (D&C 49:18).1. Those who are obedient to the Lord’s commandments and who faithfully observe the Word of Wisdom are promised particular blessings, among which are good health and added physical stamina.1. The Lord had fulfilled His promises when the mind of man had thought it impossible. Keep the Word of Wisdom. … ye shall say, It is the sacrifice of the Lord’s passover” (Ex. That word principle in the revelation is a very important one. … Neither shall ye break a bone thereof” (Ex. Following his service in the U.S. Navy near the close of World War II, he graduated cum laude from the University of Utah and earned an MBA from Brigham Young University. It’s well known that tea, coffee, liquor, and tobacco are against it. Generally principles are not spelled out in detail. Principles and Promises Principles and Promises - President Thomas S. Monson Posted by Sharon at 4:00 AM. Obedience to counsel will keep you on the safe side of life. Principles and Promises. Young people, you must understand that there is something of colossal importance to justify the restrictions imposed by the Word of Wisdom! 12:26–27). The Word of Wisdom is “adapted to the capacity of the weak and the weakest of all saints” (D&C 89:3). But young members of the Church, have faith. See John A. Larsen, in Robert C. Freeman and Dennis A. Wright, comps., Saints at War: Experiences of Latter-day Saints in World War II (2001), 350–51; used by permission. These marvelous young people in this choir are typical of the young people that we meet all over the Church. ABSTAINING FROM FOOD AND DRINK IN A 24-HOUR PERIOD Details. The Word of Wisdom was “given for a principle with promise” (D&C 89:3). He was slain without breaking his bones, even though the soldiers were sent to do it. After climbing only a third of the way, he felt his arms burning with pain. Yet they draw members, particularly men, away from their families to parties which certainly offend the principle. There’s a final promise in the revelation. The Word of Wisdom put restrictions on members of the Church. … You should cherish this as a great heritage. us. Even though young life is always filled with uncertainties, young people, do not fear the future! With his strength depleted, as he grimly contemplated his fate, John silently cried unto God, telling Him that he had always kept the Word of Wisdom and had lived a clean life—and he now desperately needed the promised blessings. Speaking again of those who keep and do and obey these commandments, the Lord said, “I … give unto them a promise, that the destroying angel shall pass by them, as the children of Israel, and not slay them” (D&C 89:21). Search until you find, 3. Recently I read the true account of a dramatic manifestation concerning these promises. In the parable of the lost sheep in Luke 15: 4-6, the Savior teaches some principles that have helped me to participate more actively in missionary work. General Conference October 2016: Principles and Promises. Thomas S. Monson, the prophet of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the true name of the Mormon Church), told a story in November of 1983 that explains one of the uses of fasting and prayer. Nothing is more precious than our children, our youth. "Principles and Promises," Thomas S. Monson, President, General Priesthood Session, October 2016 May we care for our bodies and our minds by . I pray you will go home and study carefully the oath Tell your nonmember friends about the Word of Wisdom and urge them to live it. Subscribe to: Post Comments (Atom) "The Perfect Path to Happiness," Thomas S. Monson, President, Sunday Morning Session, October 2016 I testify of the great gift which is our Father’s plan for . Here are the 5 challenges President Monson extended to the members of the Church in his October 2016 general conference talks: 1. 89th section of the Doctrine and Covenants. When he reached the deck, his breathing was normal and not the least bit labored. • Nothing brings more happiness and comfort than a testimony. They provide a place where Church members make formal promises and commitments to God. I Will Bring the Light of the Gospel into My Home, “Come, Follow Me” by Practicing Christian Love and Service, For Our Spiritual Development and Learning, No Greater Joy Than to Know That They Know. Members write in asking if this thing or that is against the Word of Wisdom. President Monson, with vivid imagery explained, “A patriarchal blessing is a revelation to the recipient, even a white line down the middle of the road, to protect, inspire, and motivate activity and righteousness. That is a remarkable promise. How we love them. I bear witness of him and of his sacrifice and of his Atonement and of his love for you, in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. • All willing and worthy young men qualify to go on a mission at age 18. Our whole social order could self-destruct over the obsession with freedom disconnected from responsibility, where choice is imagined to be somehow independent of consequences. • There is no building more important on this earth than the temple. Verses 1-10 Casey Paul Griffiths (LDS Scholar) Verses 1–10 of the revelation came in answer to the Saints’ questions about the nature of the gathering. John, with a heavy radio strapped to his back, found himself dangling at the end of a 40-foot (12 m) rope, at the side of a ship headed out to the open sea. Young people, attend your meetings and partake of the sacrament. … All the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die” (Ex. We read in the Doctrine and Covenants, section 121, verse 36, “that . Additional biographical information on Thomas S. Monson. You shall be warned of dangers and shall be guided through the whisperings of the Holy Spirit. During a battle in the Philippines, word came of an approaching squadron of bombers and kamikaze fighter planes. If you are one who’s been wandering off course, now is the time to return. ... President Thomas S. Monson's address from the October 2016 General Conference of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Young people, go forward with faith. Avoid being extreme or fanatical or becoming a faddist. Guard [it] and protect it. • Others can receive testimonies if we share ours. No comments: Post a Comment. Principles and Promises By President Thomas S. Monson May we care for our bodies and our minds by observing the principles set forth in the Word of Wisdom, a divinely provided plan. It is very short. The oath and the covenant of the priesthood gives you power, author-ity, and direction. And then there is a greater blessing promised in the Word of Wisdom. Brethren, may we care for our bodies and our minds by observing the principles set forth in the Word of Wisdom, a divinely provided plan. By President Thomas S. Monson M. y beloved brethren, it is a tre-mendous privilege to be with you tonight. If you do not, you cannot go to the house of the Lord until you are fully worthy. The Perfect Path to Happiness. When you were confirmed a member of the Church, you had conferred upon you the gift of the Holy Ghost. For example, the Word of Wisdom counsels us to eat meat sparingly (see D&C 89:12). Tonight, brethren, I pray for the guidance of our Heavenly Father as I share my message with you. 4:6). He called forth plagues upon Egypt. Tonight, brethren, I pray for the guidance of our Heavenly Father as I share my message with you. Conference Talks by President Monson Christ was “the Lamb of God” (John 1:29, 36), the firstborn, male, without blemish. Help, 5. Everything harmful is not specifically listed; arsenic, for instance—certainly bad, but not habit-forming! Principles and Promises May we care for our bodies and our minds by observing the principles set forth in the Word of Wisdom, a divinely provided plan. Those invisible dangers have greatly increased in number, and now there are many kinds of them. Several years ago in Africa I learned how dangerously invisible crocodiles can be. The king was very thoughtful, then wisely chose the first man to drive his coach. It gives specific direction regarding the food we eat, and it prohibits the use of substances which are harmful to our bodies. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. October 2016, general priesthood session. Learn to “listen” to your feelings. We who hold the priesthood of God form a great bond and brotherhood. The context for verse 18 is verse 19: “For, behold, the beasts of the field and the fowls of the air … [are] ordained for the use of man for food.” Section 49 was specifically directed to members of the United Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing (the Shakers) to correct some of their erroneous doctrines.