It was last reported in our February 2020 newsletter. Copper Nickel aspires toward diversity and eclecticism, ... We try to respond to most submissions within eight weeks, though at times we can take longer—particularly over the summer or the holidays. Suggest Correction. Thank you for your interest in Copper Nickel! Six of the submissions were untraceable or impossible to label as female or male. The national literary journal produced at the University of Colorado Denver. Submittable has raised their rates and we can no longer entirely absorb the cost of receiving submissions online. However, Cu-Ni alloys were in existence much earlier, mostly prepared by processing ores. Submit. Please note that we are charging the absolute minimum Submittable allows, and that we pay the writers we publish. 88-day form rejection from Copper Nickel on January 4. They are not provided by the publication's editors/staff or by Duotrope's admins. How to Submit: Submit five to ten poems or a single piece of prose at a time. And we shouldn’t have to say this, but please be kind and professional in your correspondence with us. Submission Received - 6 Moly Super Duplex Copper Nickel Titanium | Supplier Super Duplex 6 Moly Copper Nickel Titanium and other exotic alloys 24 Emission limit value defined as total emission limit for the total sum of antimony, arsenic, lead, chromium, cobalt, copper, manganese, nickel and vanadium, expressed as average value over the sampling period 39 For technical provisions regarding 'Monitoring of emissions' see Part 6 (Annex VI). Submissions, Buy One Year Subscription to Copper Nickel, Buy One Year Subscription to Copper Nickel (Student Rate), Buy Two Year Subscription to Copper Nickel, Buy Two Year Subscription to Copper Nickel (Student Rate), Buy Five Year Subscription to Copper Nickel, Buy Five Year Subscription to Copper Nickel (Student Rate), Submit a TRANSLATION FOLIO in POETRY to Copper Nickel, Submit a TRANSLATION FOLIO in PROSE to Copper Nickel. Do I need to set up an account? Copper Nickel Contests Submission Statistics. Twin Metals, which is owned by the Chilean mining giant Antofagasta, hopes to build a large copper-nickel mine near Ely on Birch Lake and the South Kawishiwi River. We receive many thousands of submissions each year; reading and responding to them all is sometimes slower than we would like. Email Address. Most recent response reported was received on 28 Dec 2020. Also, please note that when you submit your work to Copper Nickel you’re adding yourself to our contact list and, thus, consenting to receiving infrequent emails about our book prize, subscriptions drives, etc. Recent Activity for Copper Nickel If you want to know what this market has been up to lately, this is the place to look. Note that you will not receive a direct reply; the information you send will be noted in our submittable system. Cronstedt succeeded in isolating nickel. Cupronickel or copper-nickel (CuNi) is an alloy of copper that contains nickel and strengthening elements, such as iron and manganese.The copper content typically varies from 60 to 90 percent. Significantly more. Please submit four to six poems, one story, or one essay at a time, and please wait at least six months between submissions. Poem Not Ending with Blossoms. Our apologies! Submissions are acknowledged within 1 day (s) on average. For prose we do not have any length restrictions—but longer-than-normal pieces have to earn their space. We also award two $500 prizes per issue—the Editors’ Prizes in Poetry and Prose—for what we consider to be the most exciting work in each issue, as determined by a vote of our in-house editorial staff. Please scroll down to order the current issue, to subscribe, or to submit either to Copper Nickel or to the Jake Adam York Book Prize. To withdraw individual poems or flash pieces, please email editor/managing editor Wayne Miller indicating which poems should be withdrawn. Poem Not Ending with Blossoms. If we accept, we’ll ask for a contextualizing introductory essay of 500-1200 words. 104-day rejection from Copper Nickel on January 5. Finally, our Submittable account can receive only 1800 discrete submissions in a given month—after which the account will close until the new month.