It is not demandi Yes. Both of these things are fantastic, but can hamsters eat peas? Sunflower seeds have a shell. 1 decade ago. Pumpkin has health benefits for your hamster. If you’re giving your rabbit other sweet or starchy treats such as fruit, don’t offer those on the days when your bunny is snacking on gourds! How many Monkey Nuts can Syrian Hamsters eat? Chinese hamsters. Yes, hamsters can eat Pumpkin seeds. You can feed them a little more than five pumpkin seeds a day. Sunflower seeds contain vitamins and fats that are essential for a hamster diet. Pumpkin has health benefits for your hamster. Note: The first 10 seeds of the list can be either fed dry or can be mixed into the daily diet of the hamster.It is always advisable to feed 2-3 types of seeds in a combination for holistic nutritional growth. Well I know they can eat pumpkin seeds because my hamster mix has them in there but I'm not sure about the pumpkin itself . Yes, hamsters can eat Pumpkin seeds. The answer is yes! May 3, 2016Hamster foodsChris. I was wondering if I can fed my hamsters salted sunflower or pumpkin seeds. Maybe you’ve watched a movie about hamsters that always eat sunflower seeds. NOTHING ON AND SEEDS OR NUTS!!!!! Hamsters can eat a wide variety of fruits; including grapes. You should not give apple seeds to hamsters because they are poisonous. Unflavoured Popcorn . thanks for any replies! Or can I serve it both ways? Getting the Overall Truth and Facts of the Best Pet Coverage for 10 Years of Age Cat, Which Pet Insurance Agency Should Owners Choose? Additives will harm your hamster. Apples ( Little cut up pieces, not too much ) Seedless Grapes ( About 2 a day ) Answer Save. Peas are lovely, and our hamsters are lovely as well! It really depends on the type of gourd, but it is recommended to stick to familiar gourds and squashes such as butternut squash, pumpkin and summer and winter squashes. Guinea pigs are herbivorous, which means they can ONLY eat roughage (hay) and vegetable matter. yes coconuts are fine. Sunflower seeds are one of the most important sources for all the … Pumpkin also contains fiber, which can help keep your hamster regular, but limits the amount of pumpkin you want to feed to your hamster to prevent diarrhea. Hamsters can develop diabetes and obesity. Vanilla celebrates Ham-o-ween with his homemade pumpkin pie and pumpkin juice! This little rodent has become extremely popular as a pet in many households. I have a question about if hamsters can they eat pumpkin and cheese (what type of cheese) thank you . Syrian, dwarf and Robo hamsters can all eat carrots but in different quantities. Grape seeds will damage the sensitive system in hamsters. The seeds should be mixed with other foods. If you plan to get yourself a cute and lovely pet that will always welcome you with joy, hamster is an ideal choice for you. August 15, 2020 May 23, 2016 by Sherry Morgan. 1 decade ago. Store in an airtight container and feed to your hamster as a treat, one or two at a time. that I know where I rank in this household - can hamsters eat pumpkin raw, or should I cook it? Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of protein and fiber, which are missing from many hamsters' diets. Not only is the flesh of the pumpkin a good treat for your hamster, but the seeds are also a great snack. I was wondering if I can fed my hamsters salted sunflower or pumpkin seeds. You must wait until the pumpkin is golden brown. Vitamin C can prevent scabies and swollen joints. Some pets are extremely picky and they could even choose a particular type of seeds from the mixture. SAFE FOOD FOR SYRIAN HAMSTERS. Give your hamster a 1-inch cube of pumpkin to gnaw on as a treat and remove the uneaten portion. As long as you offer a limited amount of pumpkin seeds, that’s good for hamsters. i have 15 and at Halloween every year i dress them up and then instead of candy because we all know they can't have … You should limit your pumpkin consumption so that your … Specially Formulated Hamster Mixes & Pellets; This should be the main food group that you feed your dwarf hamster because it contains the essential nutrients your pet needs. Cages. Source: Hamster Hideout. Since there’s a lot to learn about this subject including why chocolate is dangerous to hamsters, we’ve curated a complete guide. As you can see, pumpkin seeds are included in regular diet plans for hamsters. 13 Answers. Pumpkin is a good source of vitamins A and C and also includes several B vitamins. I have bought some little things for my rats to eat but im not sure how much to give them and if its ok for me to give them it. yes, hamsters can eat pumpkin seeds. The hard texture of the roasted pumpkin seeds will help your hamster keep his teeth the right length. Russian Campbell Dwarf’s. Pumpkin is an excellent choice because of its health benefits and taste appeal. You can remove parts that your hamster will not eat. This is because grapes are quite sugary and different breeds of hamsters can tolerate different levels of sugar. Useful Resource: … What do hamsters need in their cage? All breeds of hamster can eat peas! Learning from the Question, Can You Find Real American Pet Insurance Which Isn’t a Scam? - posted in Food & Nutrition: So were carving pumpkins today and I would like to give some to my Syrian hamster Autumn, but I dont know if its okay to give them to her raw... Also what parts of the pumpkin can she eat? Store the seeds in the container and give them to your hamster. They are not good for hamsters unfortunately. Lv 6. But, my only concern is that i dont know if they are safe fore hamsters to eat. Shape The World. The Facts Everyone Should Know, Do You Need Pet Insurance for Your Indoor Cat? You should limit your pumpkin consumption so that your hamster does not have diarrhea. The most prominent foods in a hamster's diet are seeds, nuts, grains, fruits, vegetables, cracked corn, insects, lizards, and frogs. Hamsters are omnivorous, which means they can eat seeds on occasion. Vitamin C helps prevent swollen joints and scurvy. 0 0. Pumpkin is the right choice for your hamster. Empower Her. Syrians are the largest breed of hamster, this means that they can eat the most peanuts! » Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds If you feed your hamster more than 5 seeds then your hamster can face problems in their digestive system. Your Call to Decide. While the specific diet of a wild hamster varies depending on their exact location in the world, they all stick to the same general food groups. This food is also the right choice for hamsters because the beans are made with a special formulation to meet the daily nutritional needs of the hamster. hamsters dont care what kind of food they get. Recent Comments. Why do hamsters bite their cage bars? They eat fruit in the wild, so it’s only natural they’ll also eat fruit in the comfort of your human home. Sister: No, I bought it for Smokey. Favourite answer. One of the things that hamsters do best (besides running on wheels) is knawing. Pumpkin seeds can be a delicious snack for this animal. What size wheel does my hamster need? Vitakraft Formula is a well-respected formula that will provide your hamsters with a nutritionally complete diet. Yes, hamsters can eat sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds. I just though salt may be toxic to hamsters, then I realized they can have salt licks, but don't take much desire in them. Source(s): Breeder of hamsters for 12 years. Sadly, hamsters cannot eat pickles. 1 decade ago. You can feed them a little more than five pumpkin seeds a day. December 17, 2019 December 17, 2019 admin Add a Comment The 5 different types of pet Hamsters. Your hamsters need vitamin A and B for growth. but hamsters will eat all kinds of seeds, like sunflower or pumpkin, go to a pet store to buy a variety of seeds. The raw pumpkin contains refreshing water but the roasted pumpkin has the sweet taste preferred by the hamster. What Kinds of Vegetables Do Canaries Eat? Anonymous. .... especially the fresh ones..... Wash them off and let dry, inspect for mold or mildew as you store them. 13-02-2018 - Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds?If you plan to get yourself a cute and lovely pet that will always welcome you with joy, hamster is an ideal choice for you. This is because of all of the sugar in them. Be Her Village. Would that be ok for her? Peas can be a delicious and nutritional snack for humans. You can feed 3 to 4 pumpkin seeds to your pet hamster on a daily basis. And no, hamsters won't choke on the seeds (unless they are like my youngest and talk with food in their mouth!). Can Rats Eat Pumpkin Seeds And Cranberries? Walnuts (if with shell, drill a hole for hamster) Pine nuts. Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of protein and fiber, which are missing from many hamsters… What size wheel does my hamster need? Can Hamsters Eat Raw Pumpkin Seeds? The Nutritional Benefits of Pumpkin for Cats. The most widely known benefit of pumpkin for cats is a digestive one. Most foods are designed for the larger Syrian hamster, whereas they are acceptable, they are not ideal. Can Hamsters Eat Yellow Cheese? How Often Can A Rabbit Eat Pumpkin? Vitamin C can prevent scabies and swollen joints. ), and i thought that they would make great foraging treats. Yes, hamsters can eat grapes! Hamsters are naturally seed munchers in the wild, so it makes sense to make sure they get some seeds in their diet. If you can follow our list of foods on what hamsters can eat and what they cannot eat along with the guidelines, we hope that your hamsters will grow healthy and robust. Your hamsters need vitamin A and B for growth. This little rodent has become extremely popular as a pet in many households. Archives. Pumpkin seeds have a hard shell and large kernels, they contain many nutrients useful to your home hamster. No seeds. Here’s an explanation of can hamsters eat pumpkin seeds? You can only give 1 inch of pumpkin to your hamster. Yes – in fact, hamsters can have pumpkin and other squashes including: butternut squash; spaghetti squash; acorn squash; hubbard squash; delicata squash … and more! Yes, but Remember This! You can dry the pumpkin seeds into a 250-degree oven. Dry roast the rinsed seeds in a 250-degree oven until golden brown and allow to cool. But although fruit can have lots of health benefits for your little hammy, it also comes with a few downsides, like the risk of diabetes and obesity. The Correct Diet Is Important. 0 0. She specializes in business, finance, food, decorating and pets. . Pumpkin is a good source of vitamins A and C and also includes several B vitamins. Quote. What can you use for hamster bedding? The pumpkin is a symbol of harvest time, and pumpkin pie is often eaten during the fall and early winter. That’s some seeds that are safe for your hamsters to consume. You can mix sunflower seeds with the pallet. Dwarf hamsters can eat a variety of food but some are safer than most. Skip the junk food and stick to healthy things like whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruit (in moderation, otherwise diarrhea may result). Grapes have many benefits, such as vitamin C, but also can pose risks to your hamster if they eat too many. Yes. Yes, you can give Pumpkin seeds to your hamster. What do hamsters need in their cage? Yeah i have hamster and they eat our leftover pumpkin seeds every halloween. What Happens if You Feed a Hamster Too Many Vegetables? Pumpkin contains vitamin C, A, and B. How to clean a hamster cage: Easy way to clean a cage. A food to avoid feed hamsters Why do hamsters bite their cage bars? Cages. Hamsters can eat fruit, that’s for sure. as for cheese, I have no clue XD. Relevance. Heres a list of what they can eat :) Pumpkin seeds ( 5 a day or a little more, 1-7 ) Sunflower Seeds ( same rules as pumpkin seeds ) Any veggies.. Any nuts.. They can! Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds? This is because the packaged seeds contain additives such as sugar and salt. Pumpkin seeds for hamsters. Can guinea pigs eat pumpkin? Hamsters are not a very selective animal in choosing food but you have to provide healthy food for your hamster. Benefits of Pumpkin. Pumpkin contains fiber so your hamster’s digestion works well. You can get mixed seeds sold in pet stores. If you give sunflower seeds in large quantities, then vitamin C can make the hamster diarrhea. Treats + Toys. How to clean a hamster cage: Easy way to clean a cage. Pumpkin is the right choice for your hamster. A total of 2-4 nuts can be fed per month and the servings are given after assuming that, that is the only seed being given in that particular month. The mixture consists of corn kernels, wheat kernels, sesame, hemp, and sunflower. Conclusion. If hamsters had a choice, they would eat all of the blueberries in the world! Hamsters can eat raw pumpkin and squash with and without the skin, and they can eat cooked pumpkin and squash, also with or without the skin. There are a number of fruits and vegetables that hamsters love that are also safe to feed. What can you use for hamster bedding? Obviously just as a treat, maybe 1 pumpkin seed per week. In this article we will explain why, and give you some excellent substitute foods for your furry friend! Of the two options, raw is preferred. You can feed your hamster a variety of human foods as long as you limit the treats to no more than 10 percent of your hamster's diet. We know that hamsters can eat, and absolutely love blueberries! The shell can train hamster teeth to stay healthy and strong. Your rabbit can eat a little bit of pumpkin or squash once or twice per week but not more than that. Relevance. Give your Syrian Hamster around 3 monkey nuts a week. Different Indifference. Hamsters aren't always picky eaters, but as a responsible pet owner, you need to make sure you feed your pet safe foods. It is recommended you give pumpkin seeds as a treat to your hamster. A balanced diet for a Dwarf Hamsters consists of 16-24% protein, 60-65% carbohydrates, and 5–7% fat, with access to fresh water at all times. Can Hamsters Eat Raw Pumpkin Seeds? But have you ever considered if cats can eat pumpkin? So can hamsters eat pumpkin seeds? Contrary to what most people would believe, not all seeds are a healthy treat to your hamster, as some of them can also be dangerous and even poisonous to these little rodents. Pumpkin Seeds. You should not give tomatoes, garlic leaves, raw rhubarb, red onions, and raw potatoes for hamsters. Can Hamsters Eat Peas? Soybeans. Wild hamsters scavenge for their food, so they eat really whatever they can find around themselves! Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds??????????????????? As the leaves change and pumpkin flavor and aroma fills our ovens and coffee cups, we can’t help but get enough of this fall squash fruit. Pumpkins seeds have tough shells and large kernels. You should provide natural food for your hamster. Can hamsters eat pumpkin seeds? Some examples of fruits and vegetables hamsters love include bananas, grapes, greens, apples and berries. please be honest ! Answer Save. Is Pumpkin Good for Cats? Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Can Hamsters Eat Yellow Squash? If you can follow our list of foods on what hamsters can eat and what they cannot eat along with the guidelines, we hope that your hamsters will grow healthy and robust. Syrians can eat more than Robos and Robos can eat more than Dwarfs! foods you can feed your hamster also: Fruits * Apple (seedless) * Banana * Blackberries * Blueberries * Cantaloupe. Pumpkin is one of the vegetables and fruits that can be given to your hamster but you should not give the pumpkin fruit in large quantities because the pumpkin contains high fiber. In the United States and Canada, it is usually prepared for Thanksgiving and Christmas, and is also featured at Halloween. Not only can cats eat pumpkin, it is a nutritious treat that most cats are delighted to have added to their diet. We got Pumpkin from a local hamster breeder and she is a golden tortoise shell short haired Syrian hamster. As long as you offer a limited amount of pumpkin seeds, that’s good for hamsters. Treats + Toys. I thought it would be cute to give my guinea pig a pumpkin for Halloween so I'm wondering if I could give her the pumpkin and the seeds? Conclusion. Pumpkin flesh can be added to your hamster's variety of fruits and vegetables, but should never be fed in large amounts due to the fiber content. Some hamsters really enjoy pumpkin seeds. I have bought them dried cranberries, puffed rice, pumpkin seeds and uncooked pasta. can hamsters eat pumpkin? The hamsters knaw off the outer shell of the seed, and then eat the softer seed inside. Remove seeds and peels from any fruits and vegetables before feeding, unless the seeds can be made into a treat, such as pumpkin seeds. How to Get Chewing Gum Out of a Dog's Fur, Homemade Dog Treats With Applesauce & Oatmeal, List of Foods That an African Grey Parrot Can Eat. Pumpkin seeds are also a great source of protein and fiber, which are missing from many hamsters' diets. Pumpkin is safe. Pumpkin contains vitamin C, A, and B. Just like Winter white dwarf’s, Russian Campbell dwarf’s are also prone to diabetes and so pumpkin is also not good for them. They knaw … I know pumpkin is very healthy for hamsters, I just dont know what parts. In addition to this, not all fruits are safe for your hamster. Vitamins A and B are both needed for the growth of your hamster. the hamster can eat the seeds, but i would never feed it the pumpkin. but if you ever buy a pumpkin and carve it, take out the seeds and clean them very well. Amanda. Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Some that are more commonly fed to hamsters include: dandelion leaves and flowers, hawthorn leaves. Like This; Unlike; Taxonomist 06 Oct 2013. Oct 30, 2018 - Hamsters aren't always picky eaters, but as a responsible pet owner, you need to make sure you feed your pet safe foods. By now you should know everything about what can hamsters eat. The mixture contains small seeds to produce a balanced diet. No, they cannot have just plain pumpkin. If your cat has regular GI issues, you should consult your vet. hamsters can eat grapes, as long as they are given in the right quantity. Dwarf hamsters may have a problem with such large seeds. They are species that are prone to diabetes and foods with sugar in them will harm them. Do Hamsters and Degus Get Along? Conclusion – Can hamsters eat Carrots? They can! Vitamin C helps prevent swollen joints and scurvy. Don't always feed him hamster food.. Give him the good stuff! Here is a comprehensive list of food that your dwarf hamsters would be able to eat without any risks to their health. As a result, this will stop any unwelcome sickness to your hamster. Hamsters can eat carrots and they will thank you for giving them carrots! Related posts: No related posts. You can feed them a little more than five pumpkin seeds a day. Can Hamsters Eat Ginger Biscuits? Plants & Flowers . Nor should you give apricot, cherry, and grape seeds. It is not demanding like some bigger animals, such as dogs or cats. It is fine to feed them pumpkin seeds, but easy to over do it-dont feed too many at once! They can be a delicious snack for your hamster and they will rarely turn down the opportunity for one. Can Hamsters Have Pumpkin? Vegetables and fruits favored by hamsters are berries, apples, green vegetables, grapes, and bananas. They contain many nutrients that will benefit your pet hamster. by Euan | Oct 23, 2020 | Hamster Food, Vegetables. just wondering, i like to give them veggies and fruits once in a while, also a list of veggies and fruit that they can eat would be helpful..thankss In general, the most popular choice of seeds when it comes to hamsters are sunflower and pumpkin seeds. Favourite answer. PART OF WILD SKY MEDIA | FAMILY & PARENTING. Hamsters can also snack on plants & flowers but always make sure that they are safe before feeding them to your pet. Obviously just as a treat, maybe 1 pumpkin seed per week. Dwarf hamsters might have a problem eating those big seeds. Pumpkin seeds can be a delicious snack for this animal. © 2021 WILD SKY MEDIA. Vitakraft Vita Prima Formula. In this article we will explain why, and give you some excellent substitute foods for your furry friend! Vitamins A and B are both needed for the growth of your hamster. Hamsters, on the other hand, live on ‘hamster mix’ that is made up of small, identifiable foods—some of which we eat on a regular basis! There are a number of fruits and vegetables that hamsters love that are also safe to feed. Do not give seeds from other fruits except roasted pumpkin seeds. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. So can hamsters eat gourds? Pumpkins seeds … Not too many though, seeds are high in fat. If you plan to get yourself a cute and lovely pet that will always welcome you with joy, hamster is an ideal choice for you. Packaging seeds can cause health problems in hamsters. We actively encourage hamster owners to feed their hamsters a balanced diet of both dried food, proteins and wet foods. I recently got salted and roasted sunflower seeds, and today I got salted and roasted pumpkin seeds. L&X This little rodent has become extremely popular as a pet in many households. Home » Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds? Hamster chow, which vaguely resembles trail mix, includes things like sunflower seeds, corn, pumpkin seeds, oats, and chunks of dried fruit. Never feed your hamster raw kidney beans, onions, raw potatoes or potato tops, raw rhubarb or rhubarb leaves, citrus fruit, garlic or tomato leaves. There are a variety of fruits and vegetables for your hamster. Me: I know, I'll keep a bit for Smokey. Can Hamsters Eat Pumpkin Seeds? There are many different fruit and vegetable options for hamsters. → Pages. - posted in Food & Nutrition: Hi yall! But you need to make sure that you regulate the amount that they can eat. Some hamsters really enjoy pumpkin seeds. Post navigation ← Can Hamsters Eat Goji Berries? - YouTube Yes. Sadly, hamsters cannot eat pickles. i think pumpkin is like some other veggies, which have some toxins in them. What Type of Seeds Can Hamsters Eat. Pumpkin seeds contain many of the nutrients needed by hamsters. It is not demanding like some bigger animals, such as dogs or cats. Many brands of commercial hamster food contains pumpkin seeds. i mixed this all together and gave them a … Syrians, Robos and Dwarfs should all have different quantities of grapes. The only type of fruits that you should definitely avoid are citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, as their acidity could give your hamster problems with their digestion. As you can see, pumpkin seeds are included in regular diet plans for hamsters. This means that we can figure out how much you should give your hamster based on their breed! However, pumpkin seeds alone should never be used as a staple food. Raw pumpkin will retain the water of the flesh, but roasted pumpkin that has cooled may also be pleasing to your hamster due to the sweet flavor roasting creates. Introducing the new resident of Happy Hamster – Pumpkin. The list is so long that it's actually easier to list what hamsters shouldn't eat. I recently got salted and roasted sunflower seeds, and today I got salted and roasted pumpkin seeds. can hamsters ( syrian ) eat COCONUT FLESH ? Amy Brantley has been a writer since 2006, contributing to numerous online publications. Pumpkin pie is a sweet dessert pie with a spiced, pumpkin-based custard filling. Sister: Hamsters can eat pumpkin. Homemade Low-Fat Bland Diet for a Dog With Pancreatitis, How to Get a Hamster to Bite a Chew Stick. I just though salt may be toxic to hamsters, then I realized they can have salt licks, but don't take much desire in them. In fact Syrian hamsters can eat and do require a wider variety of food, some of which may take you by surprise. Making the Right Decision, Should Canadians Have Pet Insurance? Pumpkin seeds have a hard texture that keeps the hamster teeth long. Vanilla celebrates Ham-o-ween with his homemade pumpkin pie and pumpkin juice! In the wild, hamsters are known collectors and eaters of seeds, so it makes sense to make sure that there is a certain amount of seeds in their diet. Not only can cats eat pumpkin, it is a nutritious treat that most cats are delighted to have added to their diet. We have introduced her to her new home which I will be creating a detailed post for in the near future . Even the seeds can be made into a delicious snack for your furry friend. Well, the stores have started selling these tiny little pumpkins (like the size of a large apple, so cute! What Human Foods Can Finches Eat That Are Healthy for Them. Sean Gallup/Getty Images News/Getty Images. Pumpkin contains fiber so your hamster’s digestion works well. 4 Answers. How many Blueberries can Hamsters eat? The quick answer is “No, hamsters can’t eat chocolate.” Some pet parents disagree and give their hamsters chocolate in small amounts. Some pets are extremely picky and they could even choose a particular type of seeds from the mixture. Hamsters are naturally seed munchers in the wild, so it makes sense to make sure they get some seeds in their diet. Pumpkin is an excellent choice because of its health benefits and taste appeal. Sesame seeds. This is the most popular food for hamsters. However, pumpkin seeds alone should never be used as a staple food. Sister: Maybe we could freeze some, so she can have it through the winter... Me: You didn't really buy the pumpkin for me, did you? A week I know, I 'll keep a bit for Smokey them carrots,! Thanksgiving and Christmas, and then eat the seeds can be a delicious snack for your hamsters to.. Texture of the pumpkin is like some other veggies, which are missing from many hamsters '.. 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